Employee Corporate Wellness Program Statistics

There Is A Wealth Of Emerging Evidence Indicating That Corporate  Wellbeing Programs Provide An Excellent Return On Investment.

Corporate wellness program statistics

On average statistics have found:
> decrease sick leave absenteeism by 25.3%
> decrease workers compensation costs by 40.7%
> decrease disability management costs by 24.2%; and
> ROI – $5.81 for every $1 invested in employee health and wellbeing.
Chapman Institute, cited in HAPIA, Best-Practice Guidelines: Workplace Health in Australia, 15 July 2011 http://www.workplacehealth.org.au/UnderstandWorkplaceHealth/best-practice-guidlines

health benefits corporate massage, seated massage, lady on chair

BUPA Article ‘Workplace Wellness Ideas reposted by ‘The Ergonomic Physio, that we featured in (Australia, 2017)… 2 Hands Corporate Massage – as the name suggests, this team specialise in corporate massage. The majority of workplace injuries in the white collar sector are overuse injuries. Massage is a great complementary service to workplace ergonomics, as it provides an opportunity to relax the muscles and body parts that accumulate physical stress throughout the working year. And it feels great too, which is bound to improve staff productivity and happiness!

An Australian workplace wellbeing study conducted in 2017 cites that corporate massage makes up 7% of wellbeing programs currently running in Australia. https://www.convergeinternational.com.au/docs/default-source/research/a-future-that-works—workplace-wellbeing.pdf?sfvrsn=c434b56e_2 

2016 BUPA article Developing Healthier Bodies  “Workplace massage is a simple way to help make a positive difference within your team. The short appointment times allow for large numbers of employees to participate with minimal disruption to their working day.”

Victoria University Thesis (Melbourne 2013) Improving workplace productivity and corporate culture : perceptions and experiences of the effects of workplace massage. “The importance of attracting and retaining quality staff should not be understated. Achieving low staff turnover, minimal absenteeism, and maximum productivity are among employers’ greatest challenges…… the implementation of intervention strategies such as workplace massage provides employers with the opportunity to make the workplace more engaging.

Since the 1980s, many employers have increasingly been providing workplace massage programs to their staff as one initiative to redress this trend. Clearly, one of the underlying aims for employers in providing such facilities is to prevent and manage work-related injuries and stress.  “Improving workplace productivity and corporate culture” Deborah Lane, Victoria University 2015

2016 Forbes article ‘5 Reasons Executives Should Schedule A Massage Today’. some of the compelling reasons include; reducing pain and stress, improving productivity, sparking creativity and enhancing sleep. “When you get a massage, it is about you, People need that. We need to be nurtured.”

Oxford Article 2016 suggests massage is an effective way to manage pain.

An Australian study considered the combined effects of self-rated work performance and absenteeism. The data suggests the healthiest employees are almost three times more effective than the least healthy, with the healthiest employees working approximately 143 effective hours per month compared to 49 effective hours per month by the least healthy. Workhealth Research Synthesis Report, April 2013. http://www.iscrr.com.au/reports-pubs/research-reports/workhealth/workhealth_synthesis_report.pdf

Workplace health and wellbeing programs can significantly improve the health of employees. Put simply: healthy workers = healthy organisations = healthy business performance. Employers who run health and wellbeing programs do so because they want to:

  1. Improve work performance and productivity
  2. Reduce costs associated with absenteeism, presenteeism, disability and workers’ compensation
  3. Improve the culture of the organisation and retain existing employees
  4. Improve the organisation’s image, attract talented employees and fulfil corporate social responsibility obligations.

Australian Government Comcare Report; Benefits to business: the evidence for investing in worker health and wellbeing 2011. 

Corporate massage has been promoted as an effective intervention for stress management and for reducing physical tension, and there has been many claims in favour of such programs, including that it relieves stress and tension (Bost & Wallis, 2006), increases productivity (Waite, 2006), improves morale (Hirschhorn, 1990), lowers health care costs (Williams, 2011), and reduces absenteeism (Hawkins, 2011)

Global research has found that when employee health and wellness is managed well the percentage of engaged employees increases from 7% to 55%. This research also found self-reported creativity and innovation increases from 20% to 72% Right Management 2009, Wellness and Productivity Management: A New Approach to Increasing Performance, 15 July 2011.http://www.rightmanagement.com.au/thought-leadership/e-newsletter/wellness-and-productivity-management.pdf

The significant economic burden that work-related stress imposes upon the Australian economy appears to be growing steadily. WorkSafe Victoria (2011) reported that “stress is the second most common cause of workplace compensation claims in Australia, second to manual handling”

Research on the relationship between health and productivity finds healthy workers are more productive at work than unhealthy workers. Mills, P 2005, The Vielife/IHPM Health and Performance Research Study, 1 July 2011. http://www.healthproject.com.au/content/ROI_CORPORATE_HEALTH.pdf

Australian workers’ compensation figures consistently reveal that physical and psychological injuries pose a costly burden to the Australian economy. Managing and minimising work-related stress of employees is one of the challenges that employers continually face (Lavelle, 2005; Working Carers Gateway, 2010). Stress damages the economy, organisations and individuals (Medibank Private Limited, 2008).

Chronic diseases; which include arthritis, musculoskeletal disease, depression and anxiety, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and hypertension, is considered to be largely preventable, and is identified as the prime cause of lost work time in the working-age population.World Economic Forum 2008, Working Towards Wellness:The Business Rationale, 1 July 2011,http://www.weforum.org/pdf/Wellness/report.pdf

Health and wellbeing programs help to attract quality employees who value personal health and assist in retaining existing staff members. Roll out of programs has the potential to improve workplace culture as well as workplace health by developing a closer congruence between employer and employee values—increasing the satisfaction level of employees. Crowther, I, Thwaites, M and Zhou, J 2004, Measuring the benefits of corporate health & wellbeing initiatives, 25 July 2011.

When employees at work are not fully functioning due to illness or a medical condition, it is estimated the cost to the employer is between three and four times that of absenteeism. Australian Government Comcare Report. Benefits to business: the evidence for investing in worker health and wellbeing 2011 http://www.comcare.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/99303/01410_WH_and_S_Benefits_to_business_v1.pdf

In 2005-06 the cost of presenteeism to the Australian economy was estimated to be 25.7 billion
“Sick at work” Medibank private study. 2007.

Stress at work is costing the Australian economy $14.81 Billion a year.
 Stress related Presenteeism and absenteeism are directly costing Australian Businesses $10.1 Billion each year. 3.2 days per worker are lost each year due to workplace stress
“The Cost of Workplace Stress in Australia” Medibank private Workplace Health Report 2008.

Healthy employees are nearly three times more productive than unhealthy employees. Unhealthy employees take up to nine times more sick days than their healthy colleagues. Poor employee health and absenteeism is costing Australian business more than 7 billion dollars annually. 53% of Australian workers feel overwhelmed with stress and pressure most of the time.
“The health of Australia’s workforce” Medibank private report 2005

Very interesting corporate wellness program statistics, do you think?

Enquire about a corporate massage program for you and the team today, or call 1800333807. We’re here to help